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TGIF - Feat. Measure Island: : Something Musical Right Away

Thank GAWD it's FRIDAY! Late-night improv at Dad's Garage every Friday at 10:30! Featuring Dad’s Garage performers and artists from Atlanta!

Something Musical Right Away is a fully improvised musical inspired by YOUR suggestions. Our ensemble will make up scenes, characters, AND songs on the spot for you — completely unscripted, sometimes mind-blowing, and always hilarious.

Measure Island is a band of improvisers that can’t stop bursting into song! Specializing in long-form musical improv, our ensemble includes: Samuel Aluyon, Ella Boyett, Fiona Campbell, Joel Camargo, Shaina Lubliner, Daryl Patrice, Cody Sanders, Johnathan Taylor, and Sallie Torell

February 2

Improvised Dungeons & Dragons w/ SPECIAL GUEST MARK MEER!

February 3

Adventure Playhouse! (Kid’s Show)