Donate to Dad’s
Did you know that Dad's Garage is a 501(c)3 nonprofit?
This means we're dependent on the support of our community and funders to stay in (show) business. (Ticket sales cover only a fraction of our budget!) Your donation to Dad’s Garage supports community engagement (for more than just community nights—did you know we’re a polling place?), educational outreach (at all ages), and the general belief that life deserves to include pleasure (outrageous)!
We are a thriving part of the arts community in one of the least-funded states in the country, and let’s be honest: it’s been a challenging few years. Help us prove that art and laughter are valued commodities! (A lingering case of the warm fuzzies accompanies all donations, too.) Plus, being a 501(c)3 also means your donations are tax-deductible!
Why Support Dad’s Garage?
Because you love us! But wait, let’s explore that for a moment — we take pride in the fact that Dad’s Garage can provide high quality, thoughtful, invigorating entertainment night after night. We believe the special joy of live entertainment should be accessible to everyone, and we work hard to keep our ticket prices low. Each show is unique, and each show creates its own momentary community. And if sharing joy isn’t love, what is?